Top Ten Common-Sense Health Tips for Fighting Coronavirus

Whether you’re terrified of getting sick, or not quite so sure what the big deal is, we are all better off exercising some caution and taking a preventative approach to health during the Coronavirus epidemic.

To be clear, I’m not the Doctor here - that’s my better half. None-the-less, I believe in some basic, common sense habits that should promote your health. Sadly, this epidemic has shown that many people are willing to spread unverified scientific theories, and it’s challenging to discern what information and concerns are legit and which are merely a well-articulated theory. As such, should you have any qualms about anybody’s recommendations, please check the CDC’s website - if they get it wrong, we’re all screwed!

A NOTE ON ORDER: I have decided to order this based on my perception of physical health as priority number one, but for many, the mental challenges of these times are more impactful. If you are emotionally challenged during this time, you may want to focus on the latter tips, as it’s very challenging to motivate yourself to take better care of yourself if you have zero drive! Get yourself sane first, but then make sure your health is optimal!

Tip 1 : Get Some Sleep!

I know - this post is starting by sounding pretty basic, but the number one way to stay healthy is to give your body and brain the rest it needs in order to recover and prepare for the next day and the upcoming battles.

Consider this - when you are stressed (as most of us are these days) you body enters a stress-response commonly known as “fight-or-flight” mode. Your heart rate increases, adrenaline flows, your breathing increases - great conditions if you are actually in need of fighting off a threat or running like heck ... not so good as a steady, long-term physical state. A proper night’s rest can stop the response, help you recover the wear and tear, and keep your immune system working properly so that it’s prepared when the real fight starts.

Tip 2 : Hydrate!

We all know how much water we’re supposed to be drinking, but realistically we often skip the water for something more exciting or better capable of boosting our energy. However, hydration is critical to the immune system’s ability to fight off illness.

Plus, for many of us, alcohol is our quick, easy solution to reducing anxiety after a stressful day. Weeks on end of sky-high anxiety, where stress never fully disappears, and many of us probably need a liver detox!

It’s important to know that when you’re drinking just about anything other than water (okay, not you, herbal tea!) you’re not only not fully hydrating, but your body actually uses water to aid in getting rid of those salts, sugars and alcohol. So, the more you drink non-water beverages, the more water you need to drink!

Tip 3 : Go Out, A Bunch, And Interact With Everybody!

No, please don’t. Please, please, please, stay home. Now, if I titled this “Stay Home Already!” you might not have read it. So I didn’t.

We are continuing to transmit it to one another despite stay-at-home orders across the country. Sure, essential workers are sadly unable to isolate themselves, but those of us who can work at home or aren’t working can do better, and we must!

Next time you “need” to go to the store, ask yourself what you would do if you got there and the store was closed. Would you be alright? What would you eat instead? Do you have some wipes or paper towel you can use instead of toilet paper for another day? Try your darnedest to stay home as long as possible, and make a list of everything you’re going to need before shopping.

Please note - we all are struggling without our friends and loved ones nearby, and it is tempting to get together and “social isolate” with each other, but it really isn’t practical. If you do break the guidelines, keep it one-on-one, keep is short, skip the drinking and be extra cautious. Ideally, just use all that advanced technology!

Tip 4 : Go Outside!

No, I’m not joking this time.

Outdoor air quality is ALWAYS better than indoor air quality. (Well, you know, never say always...) As Covid-19 is a respiratory disease, I’m guessing clean lungs are bonus to our health.

So, while we’re at it, open the windows! Air out your place! It’s April, and for many of us that signifies at least tolerable temperatures, and even if it’s chilly, it’ll feel good.

Going outside is more than air quality though - it’s about exercise, mental health and spirituality. We are fortunate that this pandemic is occurring at a time when we can at least go out and see the flowers blooming and birds fluttering about. You will be AMAZED at what fifteen minutes walking around the block can do!

Tip 5: Eat Right!

Northern Exposure’s Maurice Minnifield (Barry Corbin) claims, “You never get sick if you eat right and keep your negative vibes to yourself!” He’s got a point.

Scientists are still discovering both the plethora of nutrients in fruit and vegetables as well as the health benefits of a plant based diet. It’s easy to want “comfort food” right now, but I guarantee you, you’ll feel more comforted by nutritious, diverse dishes than you will from the so-called “comfort foods” we typically turn to.

Not great a eating your veggies? This is the IDEAL time to learn how to cook and make nutritious meals. What you learn now can transform your lifestyle and your health for the rest of your life!

My favorite gardener, Steve Solomon, puts the equation this way: Health = Nutrition / Calories. The higher nutrition density your food has, and the lower your “empty calories,” the higher your health. Now, I don’t agree, because health is more than the food we eat, and he's merely speaking from a dietary perspective, so let’s restate it this way:


Eat nutrient-dense foods, and skip empty calories. Getting sick isn’t that “comforting” so maybe we should redefine “comfort foods.”

Tip 6: Take your vitamins!

An “essential vitamin” is basically a necessary component that your body needs that it cannot synthesize, because it hasn’t historically needed to - it got it from the food we ate.

Now, the “recommended daily intake” is simply the amount necessary to fight off a particular disease, with a little added for good measure. That doesn’t mean more is better, but it is also important to note that some vitamins, like Vitamin C, are better the more you take - given you’ve built up a tolerance to it.

Our diet is vastly different than in hunter-gatherer days, and our crops don’t contain the nutrient-density it did even a couple of decades ago. Even organic crops, while 25% more nutrient-dense than non-organic crops, are not what as nutritious as in the sixties, and especially poor compared with crops grown before industrial agriculture.

Make sure you’re getting your daily A, B, C & D, and I recommend Zinc (in moderation). I also supplement with NAC and Astragalus. I cannot guarantee that you won't find arguments against these online right now, but my personal opinion is that most of the arguments online are from people who have two attributes: 1. They are really freaking smart about what they know, and often that knowledge is in biochemistry, and 2. they are really ignorant in their ability to form logical, valid arguments from their assumptions. They’re good at creating panic from hypotheticals, but realistically, I don’t think we’re all going to die because we drank Elderberry Tea.

Once again, I’m not the Doctor.

Tip 7 : Write Lists

Wait ... what?

Weird, I know, but writing lists both creates a sense of purpose and a sense of accomplishment. We come up with dozens of things we both need and want to do on a daily basis, but we rarely do them. Write it down, and you may find the items that end up checked off your list transform your life. I mean that - see next tip!

Lists also help us keep a sense of order. Work isn’t the same right now, but having a list of work items helps us maintain that we are actually working! We are being productive! Contacting friends, avoiding unnecessary grocery store runs, reminding yourself of what you are appreciative of - there are countless benefits gained from such a simple task.

Tip 8 : I always wanted to ... Get a Hobby!

Now we're getting into "sanity," which I wrote another blog post about - please check it out if you're mentally ... icky, right now.

I have a lot of hobbies. I mean, this pandemic is really not that hard for somebody like me. But all of my hobbies came out of a small desire that I wrote down and eventually decided to check off my mental list. Gardening, brewing kombucha, furniture building, electronics, candle making, blogging, photography, beer brewing - all of these were started at some point because I wanted to try it and I finally made the time. What do you want to try?

Hobbies can do wonders for your psyche, but I want to focus more on the fact that this is an opportunity! When do we really ever have time to learn new hobbies? I mentioned cooking above, but anything artistic is going to be fantastic for your psyche, and you just ended up with food or artwork or clothing without going shopping! Find something that’ll make you fulfilled and enjoy the distraction and the ability to speed time up! Believe me! Time goes really freaking fast for my wife and I!

Tip 9: Call your friends

It’s sometimes difficult to do what seems normal and enjoyable when we’re uncomfortable, but the best feelings often come from engaging with those people with whom you share an understanding. Yes, call your parents if you haven’t, but I know they’ve already called you. How about your friends you’ve been missing?

Our friends are more than just somebody who entertain us - they understand us, push us and inspire us, as we do for them. This list may be nothing compared to what you gain from a talk with your bestie! Call ‘em, old and new, and rekindle or embrace that bond.

Tip 10: Laugh

Laugh your ass off! As much as possible! If this is the end of the world (which it isn’t), you’re not going to regret that you laughed.

Now, I don’t have the studies in front of me, but I’ve heard of laughter helping fight off cancer. I wouldn’t be surprised - what better vibes than laughter!

Typically, I don’t promote screens, but let’s be honest - a really good comedy can transform your entire week!

But please don’t limit your laughter to the screen. You and your friends, loved ones, family - you need to shake the weirdness of all of this. Yes, it’s serious, but at least emotionally, we could take it a little less seriously. Life is short, and feels shorter every day. Which isn’t funny, but it makes everything else pretty darn funny!

Tip 11 : See your doctor from home

I'm not concise, but hey - you get a free tip!

You CAN still see your doctors, both for physical and medical needs, most likely. Call them and figure out how you can schedule a tele-health appointment, because most doctors are still seeing patients over video conference or phone. Is it perfect? No, personal contact is usually better for doctor visits. Is it better, given our new world order? Oh yeah!

If you don’t have a doctor, please note that Washington State law now allows doctors throughout the state to take any resident of Washington, even as first-time patients. Dr. Carrie Wine is taking new patients at this time, but please note that physical exams are limited and can only be performed in Mount Vernon and Bellingham.

Final note on doctors. While many Medical Doctors focus on drugs and surgery as their go-to “medicine,” Naturopathic doctors take a holistic-view of both your physical state and mental well-being, and treat the whole person. If this is not the time for a Naturopathic Revolution, I don’t know what is!

Be safe out there!